Adobe Illustrator Courses

Adobe Illustrator Training

Adobe Illustrator Training from New Horizons Lebanon

Adobe Illustrator is the industry-standard vector graphics software, used worldwide by designers of all types who want to create digital graphics, illustrations and typography for all kinds of media: print, web, interactive, video and mobile.

Learn and master Adobe Illustrator with New Horizons Lebanon hands-on Illustrator training courses. Our Adobe Illustrator classes are task-based and focus on real-world uses and challenges individuals face in their day to day work environments.

Adobe Illustrator gives designers flexible drawing and typography tools to create vector art used for the following:

  • Graphics
  • Illustrations
  • Logos
  • Typography

Adobe Illustrator's design capabilities are useful for both print, web, interactive, video, and mobile platforms.

Learning Adobe Illustrator is a must for graphic designers, illustrators, and marketing professionals.

Whether you are new to Adobe Illustrator, or have been using it for some time, training at New Horizons Lebanon provides tips and tricks to take full advantage of this amazing tool.

Adobe Illustrator Course Topics

  • Creating and working with shapes
  • Work with custom paths
  • Work with text
  • Saving images for print and web
  • Create complex illustrations
  • Create vector versions of raster graphics
  • Special effects