Salesforce Training from New Horizons Lebanon
As the leader in sales automation and CRM software built for the cloud, Salesforce drives business and sales in organizations around the world. New Horizons provides high quality Salesforce training to salespeople, marketers, customer service personnel, as well as business analysts, system administrators, developers and consultants.
Salesforce has a friendly interface, which often hides just how complex the software can be. There are almost as many exceptions as there are rules, and the nuances can be difficult to pick up on without guidance.
Additionally, many Salesforce users never had the proper training to begin with. Either the company self-implemented or the worker was hired after the system was launched. Getting all your employees using the system correctly to track all customer contact, potential opportunities, and customer feedback is absolutely essential for your success with Salesforce. Without that, managers can’t trust the data they see in reports and staff can’t keep track of all the important information about who your customers are and who they need to be contacting when.
Get your whole team of Salesforce users—including sales and support reps, marketing managers, and executives—up to speed quickly. Whether you're brand new or an experienced administrator, get the core knowledge you need to get up to speed, perform at your best and get the most out of Salesforce. New Horizons offers the full suite of Salesforce training and certifications.